
My name is Ardis and I am an avid reader and budding writer. I want to share my love of books with others. I work with kids and am interested in finding and creating books that will ignite the reader in everyone. Contact me at: ardis.atkins@gmail.com

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Saturday, April 29, 2017

Stacking The Shelves #79 & Sunday Post #42

I am combining two great blog hops:  Stacking The Shelves (a Saturday feature by Team Tynga's Reviews), and Sunday Post (a Sunday feature by the Caffeinated Book Reviewer).  Both of these features give people a chance to post about what books they received and also an opportunity to catch a glimpse of what others are excited about.  I really enjoy see everyone's version of these features! If you enjoy my blog, please consider following me via Bloglovin, Networked Blogs, GFC, or by email subscription.  If you leave a comment and tell me you are a new follower, I will follow you back! As always, all book cover images are linked to GoodReads so if you see a book you want to learn more about, just click away...

On The Blog Last Week:
"Real Life"
Last weekend, I attended the Silicon Valley Comic Con, and it was a blast!  Besides seeing most of the cast of Star Trek, The Next Generation, we also got to go to a forum with all the live actors from Sesame Street, plus Carol Spinney (who played Big Bird).  It was such a privilege to hear from these iconic actors.
I loved spending time with my family (minus one son, who wasn't interested).  AND, I got to see my brother, who lives in another state.  I also met My brother's girlfriend.  She was really fun and I can see why he likes her.
(I can't seem to upload pictures at the moment!, othewise, I would show you all the cool pictures I took)
New Books:
Public Library:
Random House "First In Line" Program:  
 I am very excited to have received this in the mail!  Thank you First In Line program!!!
That's it for this week.  What books did you get?  Which ones are you excited to start reading?  
I am going to focus on reading ARCs as part of Caffeinated Book Reviewer's Clean Sweep May  Challenge. I hope to get a lot accomplished in the next month.  How about you?
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Thursday, April 27, 2017

ARC Review: Time's A Thief by B.G. Firmani

Please Note:  I received an advanced reader's copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  This did not influence the opinions of my review in any way.

Synopsis (From Goodreads):
Eighties New York springs to gritty, vibrant life in this piercingly romantic and compulsively readable coming-of-age novel. A beautiful, sad, funny, altogether bewitching debut

Francesca "Chess" Varani is an ultra-bright, sassy, but vulnerable Barnard freshwoman from a blue-collar background in the vibrantly gritty New York City of the mid-eighties. She strikes up a volatile and somewhat toxic friendship with drama-queen classmate Kendra Marr-Löwenstein, and falls into the bewitching orbit of her Salingeresque, high-toned family. Upon graduation, she moves into the Marr-Löwenstein house in the West Village as a secretary/girl-of-all-work to the soignèe literary intellectual Clarice Marr (think Susan Sontag but blondly coiffed and dressed in Chanel) and receives the sentimental education and emotional roughing up New York bestows on all of its new arrivals—including a love affair with Clarice's glamorously damaged son, Jerry.The story is related by Chess in sadder but wiser fashion from the distance of a financially beset 2008 and the depths of a crap job taken of necessity, tinged with the poignancy of time and choices made and not made.

When comparing themselves to the British, American's often pride themselves that their country doesn't have a rigid class system.  Rich and poor, alike, can mingle.  No one really cares about if your family has money or not.  To which I say:

Time's a Thief, by B.G. Firmani, explores themes of entitlement and assumptions, between working-class and wealthy college co-eds at Columbia University.  It is a love letter to 80's New York City, and the optimism that only twenty-somethings can possess.

What I Liked: 
Chess dreams of going to school in New York, and quickly assimilates into college life at Barnard College.  With her working class background, she is easily dazzled by her rich new friends, particularly Kendra.  Always a people pleaser, she becomes enmeshed in Kendra's family and nearly becomes their servant.  She puts up with this treatment because of her own insecurity.  I liked how Chess finally comes to terms with her background, and whether Kendra's family will ever consider her their equal.  She has a road to travel to understand her own worth.

Jerry is Kendra's brother and later becomes involved with Chess.  He is the charming bad boy that everyone wants to save.  While I didn't "like" his character, I think he served a purpose in this book.  He demonstrates how entitled people make assumptions about others.  The bubble he lives in is indicative of white male privilege.  He is clueless as to how much Chess does for him, and what she sacrifices to be with him.

Character progression:
Chess narrates the story that spans over twenty years.  One of the things I found fascinating was how she went from an optimist to a pessimist, and then found some peace.  I think most twenty-somethings have the outlook that the world is their oyster and they will all accomplish great things.  As we get older and realize that most of us won't make a serious impact, we can become bitter.  I liked how Chess worked through those feelings.

1980's New York:
While I have never been to New York, I was a young person at that time.  New York always seemed like the most glamorous place in America.  With all the characters going out, even when they don't have money, New York nightlife is showcased.  The author does a wonderful job of evoking this time and place.

What I Was Mixed About:
Do all rich people need to be jerks?  It seems like every single rich person in this novel is terrible.  Each and every one of these characters were truly awful people.  I don't think I would want to hang out with them.  I found this to be a bit extreme. 






Release Date:  May 2nd, 2017

Genre:  General Fiction

Source:  NetGalley

Format:  E-Book

Recommendation:  This would be a wonderful book club selection.  I think it beautifully expresses the transition from student to adult. 
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Tuesday, April 25, 2017

ARC Review: Feast Of Sorrow by Crystal King

Please Note:  I received an advanced reader's copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.  This did not influence the opinions of my review in any way.

Synopsis (From Goodreads):
 On a blistering day in the twenty-sixth year of Augustus Caesar’s reign, a young chef, Thrasius, is acquired for the exorbitant price of twenty thousand denarii. His purchaser is the infamous gourmet Marcus Gavius Apicius, wealthy beyond measure, obsessed with a taste for fine meals from exotic places, and a singular ambition: to serve as culinary advisor to Caesar, an honor that will cement his legacy as Rome's leading epicure.

Apicius rightfully believes that Thrasius is the key to his culinary success, and with Thrasius’s help he soon becomes known for his lavish parties and fantastic meals. Thrasius finds a family in Apicius’s household, his daughter Apicata, his wife Aelia, and her handmaiden, Passia whom Thrasius quickly falls in love with. But as Apicius draws closer to his ultimate goal, his reckless disregard for any who might get in his way takes a dangerous turn that threatens his young family and places his entire household at the mercy of the most powerful forces in Rome.

Feast Of Sorrow, by Crystal King, combines two things I am fascinated by:  ancient Rome, and food.  So it should be no surprise that I found this a very enjoyable novel.  Filled with vivid descriptions of a noble household in ancient Rome, this book had lots of excitement too.

What I Liked:
Ancient Rome:
The author goes into the intricate details of what a noble Roman house must have been like.  From the food, to the clothes, and even to the furniture, Crystal King seems to have done some thorough research of the time period.  But she also must be an accomplished writer because I know that there must have been gaps in her research.  She writes everything so well, that I can't tell what is factual, and what is from her imagination!

Ancient Rome had several classes of people.  This book focuses almost completely on the noble class and the slave class and how they interact with each other.

I found the female characters in this book to be so memorable.  I loved the description of Apicius's mother, Popilla, "She looked as if she regularly bathed in unhappiness."  This perfectly  encapsulated her personality as a thorn in everyone's side.

The matron of the house, Aelia, is a spoiled housewife.  But we see her depth as she subtly guides her husband through the tricky politics of the time, all the while submitting to her husband's whims.

Passia is a slave who takes care of Apicata, the noble child of the house.  She has no control over her body, as the master of the house can "give" her to anyone for the night.  When Thrasius expresses an interest in her, Passia is automatically sent to service the chef.  I loved how the relationship between Thrasius and Passia became one of equals. 

What I Was Mixed About: 
The narrator of the story is Thrasius, a slave who is also a masterful chef.  He begins his story at the age of nineteen when he is sold into the household of Marcus Gavius Apicius.  Apicius ambitiously wants to become the food advisor to Caesar, and he sees Thrasius as the key to his success.

Thrasius is a passive character for most of the novel.  Most of the action takes place around him.  But I did enjoy his own obsession with ingredients and cooking techniques.   He was also kind to other slaves and rather humble about his talents in the kitchen.  But, as the book progresses and his friendship with Apicius grows, he makes excuses for his master's cruel behavior.  It seemed a little like Stockholm Syndrome to me!

What I didn't Like: 
I found it hard to connect with some of the noble characters such as Apicius and his daughter Apicata.  Apicius is so obsessed with food that he wastes a fortune seeking only the best ingredients for his table.  

Apicata must do her duty and marry someone she doesn't love.  She then goes on to say that slaves have it better because they are "free" to love whoever they want.  Um, what about all the beatings, forced sex, and the possibility of being sold and sent away at a moments notice?  And the fact that any children one had would become slaves as well. 

I wondered if the author was trying to say that the noble class was as "trapped" as the slaves were.  Sorry, I don't buy that. 

Even with this strange correlation, this book was a wonderful historical novel.  I loved descriptions of the elaborate feasts, and the attention to detail made this time period come alive for me as a reader.





Release Date:  April 25th, 2017

Genre:  Historical fiction

Source:  NetGalley

Format:  E-book

Recommendation:  If you love food and are intrigued by ancient Rome, you are going to find this a satisfying reading experience. 
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Monday, April 24, 2017

Bay Area Book Events #44

Due to the enormous size of this list, I only show events about four weeks in advance.  The master calendar will continue to show all the events I can find that are listed on each bookstore's site.

Bookstores in this list may include:  
Barnes & Noble (various Bay Area Locations)
Book Passage (Corte Madera & San Francisco)
The Booksmith (San Francisco)
Books Inc. (various Bay Area Locations)
Pegasus Books (Berkeley & Oakland)
Hicklebee's Children's Books (San Jose)
A Great Good Place For Books (Oakland)
Kepler's Books (Menlo Park) 
Diesel, A Bookstore (Oakland)

Orinda Books (Orinda) 
I am attempting to make this a one stop place to find book signings in the San Francisco Bay Area! I will mostly focus on YA books, but I will also include some general fiction if I think it will be of interest.  I do not list non-fiction books (There are simply too many events of those to list).  I think this is an extensive list, but there is always the possibility that I missed an event (Hey, I'm human). If you think there is an event that I should include, please leave me a note in the comments section. Thanks.

All  book graphics have links to GoodReads so you can check them out.

As always, it is a good idea to call the store a day or two before to confirm that the scheduled event is still on.  I have learned that these events change constantly.

Monday, April 24th, at 6:00pm


Book:  The Perfect Stranger

Author:  Megan Miranda

Location:  Book Passage (San Francisco)

Address:  1 Ferry Building, San Francisco

Tel:  (415) 835-1020


Monday, April 24th, at 7:00pm

Book:  The Devil and Webster

Author:  Jean Hanff Korelitz

Location:  A Great Good Place For Books 

Address:  6120 LaSalle Avenue, Oakland
Tel:  (510) 339-8210

Tuesday, April 25th, at 6:00pm


Book:  The Devil and Webster

Author:  Jean Hanff Korelitz

Location:  Book Passage (Sausalito)

Address:  100 Bay Street, Sausalito

Tel:  (415) 339-1300

Wednesday, April 26th, at 5:00pm


Please Note:  You must buy a copy of the book from Book Passage in order to attend the event.  Books will be pre-signed & not personalized.  Go to the Book Passage website for more details.

Book:  Note To Self

Author: Connor Franta

Location:  Book Passage (San Francisco)

Address:  1 Ferry Building, San Francisco

Tel:  (415)  835-1020


Wednesday, April 26th at 7:00pm

Transit Books Inaugural Book


Book:  Such Small Hands

Author:  Andres Barba

Location:  Diesel, A Bookstore

Address:  5433 College Ave., Oakland

Tel:  (510) 653-9965 


Wednesday, April 26th at 7:00pm


Book:  The Last Days Of Cafe Leila

Author:  Donia Bijan

Location:  Books Inc. (Burlingame)

Address:  1375 Burlingame Ave., Burlingame

Tel:  (650) 685-4914

Wednesday, April 26th, at 7:00pm


Book:  Music Of The Ghosts

Author:  Vaddey Ratner

Location:  Book Passage (Corte Madera)

Address:  51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera

Tel:  (415) 927-0960 or (800) 999-7909


Thursday, April 27th, at 7:00pm


Book:  The Absence Of Evelyn

Author:  Jackie Townsend

Location:  Books Inc. (The SF Marina)

Address:  2251 Chestnut Street, San Francisco

Tel:  (415) 931-3633 


Friday, April 28th, at 6:00pm


Book:  The Last Machine In The Solar System

Author:  Matthew Isaac Sobin

Location:  Book Passage (San Francisco)

Address:  1 Ferry Building, San Francisco

Tel:  (415) 835-1020


Saturday, April 29th at 4:00pm

Book:  The Far Shore

Author:  Paul Scheuring

Location:  Book Passage (Sausalito)

Address:  100 Bay Street, Sausalito

Tel:  (415)  339-1300

Saturday, April 29th, at 6:30pm
Teen Advisory Board Presents:


Books:  The Last Of August (Brittany Cavallaro), Gemini (Sonya Mukherjee), The Boomerang Effect (Gordan Jack), Where Futures End (Parker Peevyhouse)

Location:  Hicklebee's Books
Address:  1378 Lincoln Avenue, San Jose
Tel: (408) 292-8880   


Saturday, April 29th, at 7:00pm

A Great Good Place For Books Presents:

Kristin Hannah's ONLY Northern California appearance!


Book:  The Nightingale

Author:  Kristin Hannah

Location:  Montclair Presbyterian Church

Address:  5701 Thornhill Drive, Oakland

Tel:  (510) 339-1131

Sunday, April 30th, at 3:00pm

Launch Party


Book:  There's More Than One Way Home

Author:  Donna Levin

Location:  Books Inc. (SF Opera Plaza)

Address:  601 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco

Tel:  (415) 776-1111


Tuesday, May 2nd, at 6:00pm


Book:  The Last Days Of Cafe Leila

Author:  Donia Bijan
Location:  Book Passage (San Francisco)
Address:  1 Ferry Building, San Francisco
Tel:  (415) 835-1020
Wednesday, May 3rd, at 6:00pm

Book:  Escape Velocity
Author:  Susan Wolfe
Location:  Book Passage (San Francisco)
Address:  1 Ferry Building, San Francisco
Tel:  (415) 835-1020
Wednesday, May 3rd, at 7:00pm

Book:  The Spill Zone
Author:  Scott Westerfeld
Location:  Kepler's Books (Menlo Park)
Address:  1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park
Tel:  (650) 324-4321 
Wednesday, May 3rd, at 7:00pm
NYMBC Presents:
The YA Love Panel 

Books:  Windfall (Jennifer E. Smith), Kill All Happies (Rachel Cohn), We Are Okay (Nina LaCour), Secret Of A Heart Note (Stacey Lee), Just Another Girl (Elizabeth Eulberg)
Location:  Books Inc, (SF Opera Plaza)
Address:  601 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
Tel:  (415) 776-1111
Thursday, May 4th, at 7:00pm
NYMBC Presents:
The YA Powerhouse Panel

Books:  Nemesis (Brendan Reichs), Summerlost (Ally Condie), The School For Good And Evil (Soman Chainani), Royce Rolls (Margaret Stohl)

Location:  Books Inc., Burlingame
Address:  1375 Burlingame Avenue, Burlingame
Tel: (650) 685-4914
Friday, May 5th, at 7:00pm

Book:  Oola:  A Novel
Author:  Brittany Newell
Location:  Book Passage (Corte Madera)
Address:  51 Tamal Vista Blvd, Corte Madera
Tel:  (415) 927-0960 or (800) 999-7909

Friday, May 5th, at 7:30pm


Book:  Homegoing
Author:  Yaa Gyasi
Location:  Pegasus Books (Downtown Berkeley)
Address: 2349 Shattuck Avenue, Berkeley
Tel:  (510) 649-1320    
Tuesday, May 9th, at 7:00pm
Publication Party!
Book:  Woman No. 17
Author:  Edan Lepucki
Location:  Diesel, A Bookstore
Address:  5433 College Ave., Oakland
Tel:  (510) 653-9965
Tuesday, May 9th, at 7:00pm

Book:  The Go-Between
Author:  Veronica Chambers
Location:  Books Inc. (Palo Alto)
Address:  855 El Camino Real #74, Palo Alto
Tel:  (650) 321-0600
Tuesday, May 9th, at 7:00pm

Book:  The Truth According To Us
Author:  Annie Barrows
Location:  San Mateo Public Library
Address:  55 West 3rd, Avenue, San Mateo
Tel:  (650) 522-7802
Thursday, May 11th, at 11:30am
Literary Luncheon
A light lunch with wine will be served.  Tickets are $10.  RSVP by calling the store
 Book:  Round Midnight
Author:  Laura McBride
Location:  Orinda Books
Address:  276 Village Square, Orinda
Tel:  (925)  254-7606
Thursday, May 11th, at 7:00pm

Book:  The American Plan
Author:  David H Weisberg
Location:  Diesel, A Bookstore
Address:  5433 College Ave., Oakland
Tel:  (510) 653-9965 

Thursday, May 11th, at 7:00pm
Book:  The Light We Lost
Author:  Jill Santopolo
Location:  A Great Good Place For Books
Address:  6120 LaSalle Avenue, Oakland
Tel:  (510) 339-8210
Thursday, May 11th, at 7:30pm
In Coversation with Scott Hutchins

Tickets required:  Buy them Here
Book:  Anything Is Possible
Author:  Elizabeth Strout
Location:  Kepler's Books
Address:  1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park
Tel:  (650) 324-4321
Friday, May 12th, at 6:00pm
Book:  Round Midnight
Author:  Laura McBride
Location:  Book Passage (San Francisco)
Address:  1 Ferry Building, San Francisco
Tel:  (415) 835-1020
Friday, May 12th at 7:00pm
This event is free but you need to RSVP Here
Book:  It's Not Like It's A Secret
Author:  Misa Sugiura
Location:  Kepler's Books
Address:  1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park
Tel:  (650) 324-4321
Friday, May 12th, at 7:00pm
YA Book Night!
Books: Pointe, Claw (Amber J. Keyser), Complicit (Stephanie Kuehn), What Girls Are Made Of (Elana K. Arnold)
Location:  A Great Good Place For Books
Address:  6120 LaSalle Avenue, Oakland
Tel:  (510) 339-8210
Friday, May 12th, at 7:00pm
Book:  The Girls
Author:  Emma Cline
Location:  Book Passage (Corte Madera)
Address:  51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera
Tel:  (415) 927-0960 or (800) 999-7909
Saturday, May 13th, at 10:30am

Book:  Nostalgic Blood
Author:  J. Crockett
Location:  Barnes & Noble (Corte Madera)
Address:  313 Corte Madera Town Center
Tel:  (415)  927-9016
Saturday, May 13th, at 2:00pm
Fierce Reads Spring Tour!
Books:  The Traitor's Kiss (Erin Beaty), Sommoner Series (Taran Matharu), You Don't Know My Name (Kristen Orlando)
Location:  Kepler's Books
Address:  1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park
Tel:  (650) 324-4321 

Saturday, May 13th, at 4:00pm
Book:  Love And Death In Burgundy
Author:  Susan C. Shea
Location:  Book Passage (Corte Madera)
Address:  51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera
Tel:  (415) 927-0960 or (800) 999-7909
Saturday, May 13th, at 7:00pm
Book:  The Garden Of Small Beginnings
Author:  Abbi Waxman
Location:  A Great Good Place For Books
Address:  6120 LaSalle Avenue, Oakland
Tel:  (510) 339-8210

Saturday, May 13th, at 7:00pm

Presented by Orinda Books & Rakestraw Books:

Tickets are $40 (Includes event & a signed copy of the book)  Buy tickets at Here at Eventbrite

Book:  Into The Water

Author:  Paula Hawkins

Location:  The Bentley School (Lafayette)

Address:  1000 Upper Happy Valley Rd, Lafayette
Monday, May 15th, at 7:30pm
Book:  Salt Houses
Author:  Hala Alyan
Location:  The Booksmith 
Address:  1644 Haight Street, San Francisco
Tel:  (415) 863-8688

Tuesday. May 16th, at 7:00pm

Book:  Sweetbitter
Author:  Stephanie Danler
Location:  A Great Good Place For Books
Address:  6120 LaSalle Avenue, Oakland
Tel:  (510) 339-8210

Tuesday, May 16th, at 7:00pm
Launch Event:


Book:  The Crown's Fate
Author:  Evelyn Skye
Book:  Seeker
Author: Veronica Rossi
Location:  Kepler's Books
Address:  1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park
Tel:  (650) 324-4321  

Wednesday, May 17th, at 7:00pm


Book:  The Book Of Summer
Author:  Michelle Gable
Location:  A Great Good Place For Books
Address:  6120 LaSalle Avenue, Oakland
Tel:  (510) 339-8210
Wednesday, May 17th, at 7:00pm

Book:  Sweetbitter
Author:  Stephanie Danler
Location:  Book Passage (Corte Madera)
Address:  51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera
Tel:  (415) 927-0960 or (800) 999-7909
Wednesday, May 17th, at 7:30pm

Book:  No One Can Pronounce My Name
Author:  Rakesh Satyal
Location:  The Booksmith 
Address:  1644 Haight Street, San Francisco
Tel:  (415) 863-8688
Thursday, May 18th, at 7:30pm

Book:  The Fifth Wall
Author:  Rachel Nagelberg
Location:  The Booksmith 
Address:  1644 Haight Street, San Francisco
Tel:  (415) 863-8688

Friday, May 19th, at 7:00pm

Book:  Long Black Veil
Author:  Jennifer Finney Boylan
Location:  Books Inc, (SF Opera Plaza)
Address:  601 Van Ness Avenue, San Francisco
Tel:  (415) 776-1111
Friday, May 19th, at 7:00pm

Book:  The Last Gods Of Indochine
Author:  Samuel Ferrer
Location:  Book Passage (Corte Madera)
Address:  51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera
Tel:  (415) 927-0960 or (800) 999-7909
Saturday, May 20th, at 1:00pm

Book:  The Perfect Stranger

Author:  Megan Miranda
Location:  Book Passage (Corte Madera)
Address:  51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera
Tel:  (415) 927-0960 or (800) 999-7909

Saturday, May 20th, at 3:00pm


Books:  Water Signs (Janet Dawson), Pressed To Death (Kirsten Weiss)
Location:  Orinda Books
Address:  276 Village Square, Orinda
Location:  (925) 254-7606  
Saturday, May 20th, at 4:00pm

Book:  Party Girls Die In Pearls
Author:  Plum Sykes
Location:  Book Passage (San Francisco)
Address:  1 Ferry Building, San Francisco
Tel:  (415) 835-1020
Sunday, May 21st at 1:00pm

Book:  Behind The Moon
Author:  Madison Smartt Bell
Location:  Book Passage (Corte Madera)
Address:  51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera
Tel:  (415) 927-0960 or (800) 999-7909

Sunday, May 21st, at 3:00pm
Presented by Books Inc.

Book:  Odyssey Of Chaos
Author:  Alan Fleishman
Location:  Belmont Library
Address:  1110 Alameda de las Pulgas, Belmont
Tel:  (650) 591-8286
Sunday, May 21st, at 4:00pm

Book:  The Soul Of Uncertainty
Author:  Mark Susnow
 Location:  Book Passage (Corte Madera)
Address:  51 Tamal Vista Blvd., Corte Madera
Tel:  (415) 927-0960 or (800) 999-7909
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2022 Reading Challenge

2022 Reading Challenge
MsArdychan has read 7 books toward her goal of 96 books.


80% 80% 200 Book Reviews 2016 NetGalley Challenge
clean sweep 2017

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