
My name is Ardis and I am an avid reader and budding writer. I want to share my love of books with others. I work with kids and am interested in finding and creating books that will ignite the reader in everyone. Contact me at: ardis.atkins@gmail.com

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Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Game plan for August

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 I love to read.  If I am on a break at work, I am almost always buried in between the pages of a book.  Late last year a colleague of mine remarked to me, "With all the time you spend reading, you should be able to be more productive and accomplish something!"  He meant it to be helpful, but I took it as him saying that I was wasting my time.  Was I?

I began the summer season reflecting on that exchange.  What do I want to to with my life?  I still find great joy in my work with children, and I look forward to meeting new students as the school year begins.  But I am also embracing the opportunity to explore what it means for me to be a reader and a commentator.  With some help, I have found ways to connect with others using Tumblr, GoodReads, Twitter and my Blog.  So how will I be productive in August?  I will read my heart out, talk about it, find more people to share my love of books, and have a damn fine time while I'm doing it!

Books I will read this month include:

Rebel Belle, by Rachel Hawkins
Miss Mayhem, by Rachel Hawkins
The Miniaturist, by Jessie Burton
The Book of Unknown Americans, by Christina Henriquez
Lips Touch, by Laini Taylor
The Invasion of the Tearling, by Erika Johansen
The Martian, by Andy Weir
Go Set a Watchman, by Harper Lee
Brown Girl Dreaming, by Jacqueline Woodson
Some Girls Are, by Courtney Summers
Not My Father's Son, by Alan Cumming
The Wrath & The Dawn, by Renee Ahdieh

I also hope to post at least twice a week on my blog!  While I don't know if my friend will find this productive enough to his taste, I feel I will have a great time achieving my own goals; accomplishing what I want!

Happy August...
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