
My name is Ardis and I am an avid reader and budding writer. I want to share my love of books with others. I work with kids and am interested in finding and creating books that will ignite the reader in everyone. Contact me at: ardis.atkins@gmail.com

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Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Fangirl & The Art Of Writing


This is not going to be a regular book review as most everyone I know has read this fun, sweet book.  But I did want to talk about an aspect that I just loved about this book:  the writing process.

As an aspiring writer, I love it when I see a glimpse (even fictional) of the struggles writers go through.  It helps me to see that I am NOT the only person to encounter road blocks on the way to crafting the story I want to convey.  In Fangirl, Cath, the main character, is an avid writer of fanfiction.  Most people consider this kind of writing not "real" prose.  But I know plenty of people who read and follow fanfiction with a passion.  If nothing else, writing fanfiction would be great practice on the way to creating one's own story.  

One of the moments I connected to the most in Fangirl was when Cath tells her professor that she feels comfortable with fanfic because she can't see creating a world from scratch.  I totally identify with this.  I think world building can be so tricky!  When I try to write fantasy, I get mired in world-building.  There is a fine balance between exposition, and boring the reader to death with details.  I have seen this in books all the time.  The author tries to throw so much information at me that I become confused (or maybe it's just me getting old!).  

One of the reasons I blog, is to practice writing.  I am far from a great communicator.  But the more I write, the better I become!

I loved Fangirl for it's story (first year of college), sibling conflict, and (of course) wonderful fanfic of the Simon Snow stories.  It was so clever to make the Simon Snow bits a parody of Harry Potter!  For most people, the Harry Potter franchise was the series that got them reading.  This gave the reader an immediate buy in as we all  wish characters from a beloved series  to live on.

After reading Fangirl, I am even more determined than ever to write my book!  It may take a very long time, but I really hope to achieve this!

Are you writing a book?  How is it getting on?  Let's talk!


Release Date: September 10th, 2013

Source:  Bought by me

Format:  Kindle E-Book

Recommendation:  A fun book about one of the most exciting and confusing times in one's life:  the first year of college. 
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  1. This is such a great post! I think a lot of people who are writing are way too insecure and they really shouldn't be! For one, you refer to yourself as an aspiring writer. Girl, if you're writing, then you're a writer! :) And I think fan fiction is great as well. Just because someone has created the particular world, that doesn't mean someone else's take on it should be valued less. I mean, isn't that what all authors do when it comes to sequels as well? Building a new storyline in an already existing world, that is. Does that make them less professional? Nope!

    I still have to read Fangirl. It wasn't on my priority list at all, but now that I've read this review, it will be :).

    1. You're right. I need to say it in a mirror, "I am a writer, I am a writer..." I think you would love Fangirl. It was sweet, and the character's struggles with writing was a major plot point in the book. You do make an excellent point about sequels & I hadn't thought of that!

  2. I love this post. Fangirl is an amazing book. I don’t know how authors write fantasy. I think I’d get so bogged down in tiny worldbuilding details that I’d freak out and never get anything done.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Same. I am still bouncing around ideas for my book, but maybe writing contemporary would be easier to start.

  3. Great review and I love how you focused on the writing -- writing is hard so kudos to you! I'm glad you loved this one -- I really liked it, too and loved the writing focus

    1. yes, the writing angle elevated this above the regular Boy meets girl plot line. I dream of being so original!



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